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What is Glutathione?

May 31, 2021

Glutathione is an antioxidant produced by cells in the body. It’s comprised largely of three amino acids: glutamine, glycine, and cysteine.

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Plant Sterols to Lower LDL and Total Cholesterol

March 31, 2021

Plant sterols and stanols are a group of substances made in plants that resemble cholesterol.

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Keys to Healthy Weight Loss

December 31, 2020

Fad diets tend to be restrictive or complex. The reason they often work short -erm is that they eliminate entire food groups, and you generally cut a lot of calories. Moreover, there are lot of rules that are generally hard to stick to and, when you stop, you regain the lost weight. The best approach to losing weight is to stick to evidence-based recommendations for successful weight management. You do not have to follow all of the recommendations, but the more that you incorporate into your daily life, the more likely you will be successful at losing weight and keeping the weight off long-term. Pick and choose those that are right for you to customize your own weight-management routine. 

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Chasteberry for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

November 30, 2020

The chaste tree is a small shrub with lance-shaped leaves and purple flowers. It is also known as Vitex. It is a traditional remedy used to balance hormones and strengthen the body’s fertility. It is native to the Eastern Mediterranean. According to studies, it supports the body’s natural production of progesterone and luteinizing hormones and balances their relationship to one another. In ancient times, Chasteberry was said to be an anaphrodisiac or something that lowers the libido — hence, that’s from where it gets its name. Over the years Chasteberry has been used to help ease PMS and other menstrual difficulties. Chasteberry acts to ease the physical and emotional symptoms of menstruation by working on stabilizing hormones. It is thought to help relieve PMS symptoms by lessening the release of prolactin from the pituitary. Elevated prolactin levels are one reason that hormonal imbalances can occur. By modulating prolactin, Chasteberry may also help balance female sex hormones to support a more regular menstrual cycle. Many herbalists believe that Chasteberry is a source of naturally occurring progesterone. Chasteberry provides relief from symptoms associated with PMS, which include cramps, bloating, acne, breast tenderness, and mood swings. It does so by normalizing the ratio of estrogen to progesterone.

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October 30, 2020

While suicide is a difficult topic to discuss, having knowledge and information about it are important to reduce the number of deaths by suicide in the United States and around the world each year. The World Health Organization reports that 800,000 people die by suicide each year worldwide while suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. Statistics reveal that women are roughly three times more likely to attempt suicide, though men are two to four times more likely to die by suicide. Compared to their male counterparts, women show higher rates of suicidal thinking, non-fatal suicidal behavior, and suicide attempts. The differences in attempts and completed suicides in women have erroneously led many people to believe that suicide attempts in women are often a method of getting attention rather than a serious risk. This is far from true. It's important to note that among women, an attempted (but failed) suicide attempt is the greatest risk factor for suicide in the future, and all suicide attempts, whether in men or in women, need to be taken very seriously.

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Hormones and Mood

September 30, 2020

Most people experience shifts in mood in one way or another. Such shifts may be subtle or can be extreme. In most cases, it is quite normal to have days where you feel sad or days when you feel overjoyed. It’s common to experience a change in mood occasionally or to go through a short period of feeling elated or blue. But if your behavior is unpredictable for a number of days or longer, it may be a sign of something more serious. As long as mood changes do not interfere with life or cause damage to your life, they are generally considered to be healthy. So how do you know if shifts in mood are something to be concerned about or normal?

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Long-Term Contraception Options

August 25, 2020

The best method of birth control for you is one that is safe, that you are comfortable using, and that you are able to use consistently and correctly. Your preferred method of birth control may change over your lifetime and is influenced by many different factors, including:Your age and health historyYour reproductive goals, such as the number of children you want and how soon you want to get pregnantRelationship factors, including marital status, number of sexual partners, how often you have sex and partner preferencesReligious beliefsDifferences between birth control methods, including how effective they are at preventing pregnancy, side effects, cost and whether they prevent sexually transmitted infections

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Short-Term Contraception Options

July 31, 2020

Choosing a method of birth control can be difficult. Know the options and how to pick the type of contraception that's right for you. Before choosing a birth control option, consider the following questions: What options are available? How do different birth control options work? What is the birth control option's effectiveness? Is it reversible? Is the method compatible with religious beliefs and/or cultural practices? Is the method convenient and/or affordable? What are the side-effects? Does the method protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)? Does it have other benefits? Is the method acceptable to your sexual partner?

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COVID – Understanding Recommendation for Face Masks

June 28, 2020

There is a tremendous amount of misinformation regarding use of face masks to decrease transmission of COVID. As with many aspects of this pandemic, mask use has become politicized. It is essential to understand that all science, including public health science, is evolving – which means information changes as data is accumulated. This means that recommendations change as new information becomes available.

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Coronavirus Protection: Thymosin Alpha-1 Peptide Therapy to Enhance Immunity

May 30, 2020

Thymosin alpha-1 (TA1) is a peptide originally isolated from thymus gland and identified as the compound responsible for restoring immune function. TA1 can help prevent healthy cells from being infected by viruses as well as make viral infections more visible to the body’s immune system so infected cells can be destroyed. The main mechanism of action of TA1 is to augment T-cell function. T-cells come in two forms: natural killer cells and helper cells.

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Understanding Antibody Testing for COVID-19

April 18, 2020

Over the past week, patients, friends & staff have asked me to explain the serum (blood) antibody tests that have been advertised recently to detect evidence of COVID-19 infection. As a medical provider, the immune system has always been a challenging subject to understand, much less communicate to a non-medical person. I will do my best to explain in layman terms what I know about the immune system.

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March 16, 2020

Here's how we're handling the change.

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March 12, 2020

Delta-sleep-inducing peptide, abbreviated DSIP, is a neuropeptide that is believed to be involved in sleep regulation due to its ability to induce slow-wave sleep.

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Exploring the Benefits of Low Dose Naltrexone in My Office

February 28, 2020

Low Dose Naltrexone’s capacity to modulate the immune system has wide potential applicability.

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Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD)

January 31, 2020

Persistent genital arousal disorder, or PGAD, is a condition in which a person feels repeatedly sexually aroused without provocation. The person’s arousal is NOT linked to sexual desire.

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Is Your Body Giving You Clues About Vitamin & Nutrient Deficiency?

December 31, 2019

Any good medical provider will tell you to stay in tune with your body. If you notice something unusual, don’t ignore it. Some medical conditions that can be quite serious can manifest initially in subtle ways. The sooner you address whatever is going on, the more easily the problem can be remedied. Sometimes problems can be corrected through simple changes to diet or a dietary supplement. Here are few common things to look out for.

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Arousal and Sexual Desire

December 1, 2019

Positive sexual anticipation a powerful aphrodisiac. Negative sexual anticipation is also powerful and can be debilitating. Sexual desire can make or break good sex – and a good relationship. The number one reason couples in the United States stop having sex is a lack of sexual desire.

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Emotional Abuse – What It Looks Like

October 15, 2019

“Did it ever get physical?”This is often the first question we ask someone we know or suspect is in an unhealthy relationship. While starting a conversation about physical abuse is essential, an issue arises when it is the ONLY question we ask. Stopping short of inquiring about other forms of abuse implies that physical violence is the defining factor of an unhealthy relationship. Even worse, it conveys the message that whatever else might be going on is not that bad. This is a huge issue, because emotional abuse is as bad – and can often be worse.

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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

September 30, 2019

Domestic violence is a pattern of controlling behaviors that one partner uses to get power over the other. It includes: physical violence or threat of physical violence to get control, emotional or mental abuse and sexual abuse

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Effective Communication

September 1, 2019

Over the past few years I have realized that effective communication is KEY to having success in both personal and business endeavors. After a handful of failed personal relationship and just as many business snafus, it became clear that I needed to hone my communication skills. The process has been a learning experience, and I am confident that I am not even close to mastering this skill. However, each time I am able to practice what I have learned, I CAN say that I get one step closer to better communicating with the world around me.

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Iodine Use With Hashimoto’s

August 1, 2019

Iodine is a building block of thyroid hormone. Without iodine, your thyroid can’t produce hormone. Sufficient iodine is necessary for optimal thyroid function. In fact, the reason we all eat ‘iodized’ salt is because of the importance of iodine in preventing thyroid dysfunction.

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Anxiety Disorder

May 31, 2019

Anxiety can have a profound negative impact on those who experience it. It can also have a negative impact on friends, co-workers and loved-ones. Anxiety can affect people physically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually.

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Is Taking DIM Right For You?

April 28, 2019

Do you struggle with unexplained weight gain, PMS symptoms, fatigue, or acne? Have you ever thought it may be related to estrogen dominance?

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10+ Reasons to Consider Food Sensitivity Testing

March 24, 2019

Sometimes certain foods can make you feel unwell, regardless if they are healthy or not. They may trigger any number of food sensitivity symptoms, such as headaches, digestive issues, joint pain or skin problems.

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Enhancing Erection Naturally

February 23, 2019

Getting (and maintaining) an erection is a complicated process. It involves your heart, head, hormones, blood vessels, nerves, and even your mood. But erectile dysfunction is largely about inadequate blood flow. You can get stronger erections by improving your heart health and blood flow.

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Intermittent Fasting

January 27, 2019

Intermittent fasting is the process of cycling in and out of periods of eating and not eating.

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Struggling with Thinning Scalp Hair?

December 23, 2018

Hair loss can affect just your scalp or your entire body. It can be the result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or medications. Anyone can experience hair loss.

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Could Cannabis Lube Be the Secret to Enhanced Female Sexual Pleasure?

November 25, 2018

Just when I thought I had finally become familiar with all the possible medical uses of cannabis, I came across a few articles touting the benefits of cannabis lube for female orgasm.

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Boost Your Mood With Vitamin D

October 2, 2018

Do you get enough vitamin D? There could be many warning signs or symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in your life or of someone you know.

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Low Dose Naltrexone & Its Role In Autoimmune Disorders

September 21, 2018

Low dose naltrexone (LDN) is being prescribed for autoimmune conditions by a greater number of providers.

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A Little More About MTHFR (C677T Mutation)

August 31, 2018

Over the past few months, a handful of patients have asked what they can do if they have the MTHFR C677T mutation. Recommendations can vary depending on whether an individual has a heterozygous (1 copy of C677T) or a homozygous (2 copies of C677T) mutation.

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Iodine Deficiency on the Rise

June 25, 2018

Iodine is an essential mineral. Your thyroid gland uses it to make thyroid hormones, which help control growth, repair damaged cells and support a healthy metabolism. Unfortunately, up to a third of people worldwide are at risk of an iodine deficiency.

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Growth Hormone – Are You Deficient?

June 1, 2018

The older you are, the harder it is to lose weight. You can eat right, exercise, and cut out sweets, but the scale doesn’t budge. Why? It has a lot to do with your hormones.

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The IUD – What You Need to Know

May 1, 2018

An IUD is a tiny device that is placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. It is long-term, reversible, and one of the most effective birth control methods available. IUD stands for intrauterine device. It is a small piece of flexible plastic shaped like a T.

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Diagnosing Thyroid Disorders – Is TSH Adequate?

April 26, 2018

Thyroid deficiency is a common disorder where there is inadequate cellular thyroid levels to meet the needs of the tissues.

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MTHFR Mutations

April 17, 2018

MTHFR is a gene that provides the body with instructions for making a certain enzyme called methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase.

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

March 30, 2018

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common health problem caused by an imbalance of reproductive hormones. The hormonal imbalance creates problems in the ovaries.

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Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Adolescents

March 11, 2018

A female’s first menstrual cycle is an important event during adolescence. For most girls, it marks completion of puberty and the onset of reproductive capability. Menstrual problems are common during adolescence and can last 2-5 years after their first period.

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Transgender Health Issues

February 11, 2018

Transgender persons are at increased risk for certain types of chronic diseases, cancers, and mental health problems.

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What You Need To Know About Thyroid Disease

January 10, 2018

The thyroid gland is a small, gland located in the base of the neck. It plays a huge role in our body, influencing the function of many of the body’s most important organs, including the heart, brain, liver, kidneys and skin.

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Cervical Cancer Awareness

January 1, 2018

Cervical cancer was once one of the most common causes of cancer death for American women. Over the last 30 years, the cervical cancer death rate has gone down by more than 50%.

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Testing For Adrenal Fatigue

November 27, 2017

Diagnosing Adrenal Fatigue from a single test or symptom is very difficult. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is important to look at a range of tests, sometimes conducted multiple times, and take note of every symptom.

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Hormonal Mood Disorders

October 17, 2017

Over the past several decades psychiatric diagnostic acumen has improved significantly. However, more and more people seem to carry psychiatric diagnoses that are inaccurate and have negative consequences.

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Cancer Risk in Women

September 15, 2017

Cancers that most affect women are breast, colon, endometrial, lung, cervical, skin, & ovarian.

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Hereditary Cancer Testing

September 5, 2017

You’ve heard the phrase, “it runs in the family”? Whether it be an obvious family resemblance to a not-so-obvious inherited trait, much of who we are comes from our DNA.

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Trying to Conceive

August 7, 2017

Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant after at least one year of trying.

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Breast and Ovarian Self-Awareness

June 26, 2017

Facts: 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime—it’s the leading cancer diagnosis among women. 1 in 75 women will develop ovarian cancer in their lifetime, and 2/3 of those diagnosed will die from their disease.

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Peri-Menopause, Menopause, Post-Menopause?

June 8, 2017

Peri-Menopause, Menopause, Post-Menopause…What Does This All Mean??

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MAY is National Celiac Disease Awareness Month

May 10, 2017

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine.

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An Apple A Day…

April 22, 2017

Did you know that apple cider vinegar can help promote health?? Check out 18 of the best health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

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April 12, 2017

Omega-3 fatty acids are common nutritional supplements often taken in the form of fish oil or flaxseed oil. They’re classified as a polyunsaturated fat, one of the “good” fats.

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Need a boost?

April 12, 2017

Not ready to hit the Viagra yet? Thanks to these 10 helpful tips, you may not have to.

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Food Intolerance & Food Sensitivity Testing

February 28, 2017

The terms ‘food intolerance’ and ‘food allergy’ are often confused – although the two are completely different.

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